The Truth About Goat’s Milk

Most people will turn up their nose when I tell them I milk my goat and then drink it. “Ew nasty,” they are thinking. I shrug my shoulders and say, “You should try it.” They just don’t know the truth about goat’s milk!

Disclaimer about My Opinions Here

Disclaimer: This is not a tutorial on milking a goat. I am not a medical professional therefore the statements I make in this post are my opinions only. I have researched and I am personally comfortable with consuming raw milk from my own farm animals.

The Scoop on the Truth

Have you ever tried fresh goat milk? Let me tell you, I hate milk from the store. I always have. Even when I was a kid, I’d have to drink chocolate milk because I couldn’t stand “regular” milk. Well…then I tried raw cow’s milk a few years ago. It didn’t have that nasty taste like store milk did! I was amazed.

Then, before I even tried fresh goat milk, I milked my own goat. I followed all the directions I had researched, made sure it was properly cooled…and then I poured myself a glass.

I gulped in anticipation. I was scared. What if this tastes like a goat smells? I took a drink. Swallowed. Thought about it.

Nothing! It tasted like thick water, no joke. There was a slight creamy aftertaste. But it wasn’t anything at all like I expected. I breathed a sigh of relief! It wasn’t nasty! Now, I’ve heard folks say that goat milk is strong tasting. Well, my goats do not produce strong milk, then. It’s delightful.

In truth, goat’s milk is wonderful!

When I turn goats milk into kefir, there is a hint of “goat”. Think of what goat cheese smells like, it kind of tastes like that. But kefir is famously strong, anyways. (Read about kefir here.) But fresh milk has undetectable goat taste.

I am thrilled to be able to use milk from my farm animals. Our goats are not just weed eaters…they produce a valuable commodity. I love being able to skip the milk coolers when I go to the grocery store. It’s one more thing I can add to my list of not having to buy from a store!

A goat named Dolly
My girl Dolly

Some facts I found online about goat milk

There are huge debates out there about the benefits vs. the “dangers” of raw milk. Based on my research, the cleanliness of my goats, and my milking process, I feel 100% comfortable drinking our milk raw. And also giving it to my children!

Here’s a fun chart from Dr. Axe that lists the benefits of goat milk:

Goat Milk benefits from

Trim Healthy Mama categorizes goats milk as a Crossover, which means both fats and carbs are present in the milk. “The fat cannot be skimmed off easily and the carbs are in liquid form, so drinking it as a beverage would not be recommended during weight loss mode. Making goat’s milk kefir or yogurt would be a more slimming way to utilize your goat’s milk.” From the THM Food Analyzer App.

Therefore, goat’s milk is the perfect beverage for growing children. My little 18 month old lives on it all day! I’m thrilled to be able to give my children such a natural superfood! I will add it to my morning Matcha: half goat milk, half almond milk, and heat it up and add Keto Matcha powder. It’s so good and I feel so healthy!

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