How Are You Building Your Homesteading Legacy?

Maybe you come from a long line of farmers and homesteaders.

Maybe you are the first in many generations to strive for a “simple” life.

I was going to say that having a generation of hardworking simple people behind you doesn’t matter…but it DOES.

BUT…if you don’t have that legacy behind you, make sure the legacy is going before you.

Legacy Building

I can trace my ancestry back to Europe. With the help of a DNA ancestry map and knowledge passed down already, I wasn’t surprised to find out that I had a legacy of farmer men and homemaking women. It’s deeply rooted in me to live close to the land and to be close knit to family.

My husband’s family is much the same. His great grandparents were the last family to live in Cades Cove. They were the last thread of a primitive lifestyle that still runs strong in my husband’s blood. And now my kids’, too.

Even though my side of the family skipped a generation or two of being “homesteaders” and farmers, I can remember my grandparents talking about their mama’s garden and her milk cows.

All this to say, we were never far removed from the lifestyle we are now building for our family.

I am extremely thankful for the legacy left by our families in East Tennessee.

“Good for you…but what about me?”

I can just hear ya’ll saying this as you read! After all, I love to write posts that are helpful to you in some way. Bragging about my cool family history isn’t serving you.

I’m here to encourage you to start building that legacy yourself. It can all start with YOU!

I love seeing this revolution in our society. The news doesn’t show it…but it’s a silent movement that’s building across the country.

Families are wanting to learn how to grow their own food. Mama’s are learning how to teach their children at home. I mean, canning lids are sold out for Pete’s sake, so you all must be taking matters into your own hands to learn how to put up your food, too!

It’s so thrilling to see more and more young families come over to the homesteading side.

I love seeing stories of people packing up and moving to a new place to start farming. It’s so neat to witness their excitement as they hatch their first chicks or grow their first tomato.

I’m cheering for you!

Do you know what you’re doing?

Your young children are seeing their parents try new things and overcome hardships. When the chicken dies for no reason, or the rain washes the seeds away…they’re watching how ya’ll react. Things like these harden your resolve–in a good way.

The spirit of homesteading is alive and well and the legacy of this lifestyle starts with you!

If you didn’t have a grandma to teach you how to can green beans…there are a hundred resources out there at your fingertips to teach you. Learn it!

Not everyone has a grandpa that knows how to butcher hogs. But the farmer guy on YouTube can walk you through it.

It sure is an interesting time to be alive, isn’t it?

You can be the parent that teaches your children about bees and gardening and milking cows!

We can give our children the gift of a simple childhood full of discovery and wonder. You have the choice to start a wonderful legacy in your family. Step away from the call of the culture to just be mediocre and do what the TV says you should do.

Walk outside barefoot and pick some flowers.

The legacy you leave behind can be amazing. But it is up to you and the choices you make about how you’re going to live.

If you feel that call in your spirit to do something more than just making it through another day…start making some changes and simplify your life.

The legacy you leave behind can impact generations! Just think…if you have felt called to leave the crazy rat race of life to start living more simply, that will deeply ripple through to your kids. They’ll see what’s truly important if we set out to start a great legacy.

Don’t let anyone discourage you.

You are doing a great job through the victories and the hard. That’s how legacies are built, after all.

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