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DIY Rice Heating Pad

Easily make your own heating pad with supplies you already have on hand! This will come in useful for earaches, cramps, or back aches. Store with your natural first aid kit!
Keyword: easy sewing project, rice heating pad


  • 1 kitchen towel
  • 4 cups dried rice more or less depending on the size of your towel
  • sewing machine and sewing supplies


  • Prepare the kitchen towel for sewing by folding right sides together.
  • Start sewing along the existing hem at the bottom of the folded towel.
  • You will sew up one side, keep your needle in the towel, turn it and sew down the other side. Repeat once more down the third side, leaving at least a 3 inch hole.
  • Turn the towel-now a bag- inside out.
  • Pour the rice into the bag. Fill to the desired amount.
  • Turn the opening under to match the other seam on the bag.
  • Sew a final seam up the side of the bag, using a very thin seam allowance.

Using the heating pad:

  • To use the heating pad, either heat it for a minute in the microwave, or heat for a few minutes in a 200 degree oven. CAUTION: always check the temperature of the heating pad before applying it to you or someone else!
  • Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and only share this as a guide for a simple sewing project for home first aid. If you have an injury, seek medical attention.


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